Our Services

Watchdog International also provides services provides solutions to their customers to suit a wide range of requirements in the web filtering and value-added security area.  These services are as follows:


Watchdog offers consultancy services to organisations that wish to implement web filtering or security solutions.  We have extensive experience in the blocking of child sexual abuse (CSA) images on a regional and national basis and our specialist, Peter Mancer, has travelled to a number of countries around the world and presented to governments, ISPs and NGOs on this subject.

Managed Child Sexual Abuse Web Filtering Services

Watchdog offers an externally-hosted managed web site filtering service to allow ISPs and other telecommunication organisations around the world block access to web sites containing child sexual abuse (CSA) content .  Although mainly used by ISPs in the UK, this is available worldwide and has been used by ISPs in Australia, New Zealand and Mauritius.  This service currently uses the URL blocking list

Managed ISP Web Filtering and Security Services

Watchdog also offers managed filtering and security services to ISPs and other telecommunication organisations who wish to offer these services to their customers.   These services could involve managed equipment within the ISP network or could be implemented through Watchdog’s cloud.

Managed Education Networks

As the implementer and operator of New Zealand’s largest managed education network in the K-12 area involving 1500 schools and 300,000 students, Watchdog is able to offer services ranging from consultancy to full turnkey implementations for organisations wishing to implement or upgrade these networks.

Contact us to discuss any of the above requirements.