Why and How To Report Child Abuse

The Role of Hotlines

The blocking of CSAI web sites is assisted by the establishment of online reporting hotlines as these allow additional sites to be discovered and added to the blocking list if appropriate. Hotlines will investigate the reports to determine if they are illegal, and if so, trace the origin of the content. Content that is found to be illegal will be referred to the local law enforcement agency. Notice and take down procedures are followed to ensure illegal material is removed by the ISP hosting it. As many of these sites reported will be hosted outside of the hotline country and may be located in countries where law enforcement is very ineffective then blocking the web site at ISP level will help to reduce access to the site and thus reduce the revenue that it receives from subscribers.

International Co-operation

Because the Internet has no borders sites can be accessed from anyone anywhere in the world. International Cooperation is needed to trace and deal with illegal content. Illegal content may not originate from the reporting country. In this case the report is forwarded to the hotline within the country of origin and if deemed illegal under the laws of that country is then referred to the local law enforcement agency.

The success of increasing Global law enforcement is increasing and is assisted by reporting hotlines. Reports lead to the identification and arrest of persons involved in child sexual abuse, the creation and possession of CSAI, and online grooming, exploitation and sexual abuse of children.

Your Report can help to eliminate illegal content, identify victims and pedophiles and lead to their arrest.

If you have found a website or activity on the Internet you suspect to be illegal, don't ignore it. Make a report to your national hotline.

Simply choose the country where you live from the list below, click on the link and fill in any details you have using the online form provided.

Country Organisation Web URL
Australia Australian Communications Media Authority http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD..PC/pc=PC_90103
Austria Stopline http://www.stopline.at/
Belgium Child Focus http://www.stopchildporno.be/index.php?step=1&pid=4
Bulgaria ARC Fund http://www.web112.net/
Canada cybertip.ca http://www.cybertip.ca/app/en/
Chinese Taipei ECPAT Taiwan http://www.web547.org.tw/
Cyprus CNTI
Cyprus Safeweb
Czech Republic Our Child Foundation http://www.internethotline.cz/
Denmark Red Barnet http://www.redbarnet.dk/
Finland STC Finland http://www.pelastakaalapset.fi/nettivihje/fi/etusivu
France AFA http://www.pointdecontact.net/
Germany ECO http://www.internet-beschwerdestelle.de/
Germany FSM http://www.fsm.de/?l=en&s=Beschwerdeformular
Germany FSM http://www.fsm.de/?s=Beschwerdeformular
Germany jugendschutz.net http://www.jugendschutz.net/
Greece SafeNet http://www.safeline.gr/
Hungary MATISZ http://www.internethotline.hu/
Iceland Barnaheill http://www.barnaheill.is/
Ireland ISPAI http://www.hotline.ie/
Italy HOT 114
Italy STC Italy http://www.stop-it.org/
Japan Internet Association Japan http://www.internethotline.jp/index-en.html
Lithuania Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.draugiskasinternetas.lt/en/main/reports
Luxembourg LISA Stopline http://www.lisa-stopline.lu/
Malta APPOGG http://www.appogg.gov.mt/hotline_reportillegalcontent.asp
Netherlands Meldpunt http://www.meldpunt-kinderporno.nl/en/
New Zeland Report Child Abuse in NZ http://www.childalert.org.nz/
Poland NASK http://www.hotline.org.pl/
Portugal FCCN
Slovenia Spletno Oko http://www.spletno-oko.si/
South Korea Korean Communications Standards Commission (KCSC) http://www.singo.or.kr/english/report/report/
Spain Protegeles
United Kingdom Internet Watch Foundation http://www.iwf.org.uk
UK CEOP http://www.ceop.gov.uk/reportabuse/index.asp
United States Cybertipline http://www.ncmec.org/missingkids/servlet/PublicHomeServlet?LanguageCountry=en_US

You can also alert the organisation nearest to you working within the Virtual Global Taskforce