What is IP Address Blocking and Why It Doesn't Work Effectively to block CSAI

What is IP Address Blocking?

This is a crude method of Web filtering that is sometimes used by ISPs wanting a quick solution using existing infrastructure such as routers.

Set Up.

It is simple to set up for small lists of sites but can be time consuming for longer lists.


It causes overblocking because innocent sites hosted at the same IP address as illegal sites will be blocked. It also causes additional loading on routers, and does not allow for web sites changing their IP address, as an unwanted site will no longer be blocked if its IP address changes. Commercial child pornography sites frequently change their IP addresses. It also means that sites all have to have their addresses looked up before being added to block lists, and sites that use additional mirrored servers such as those provided by Akamai would not be able to be blocked without blocking a large number of innocent sites.