Peter Mancer, Managing Director, Watchdog International
Peter is the founder and Managing Director of the Watchdog Corporation, the first and leading ISP in New Zealand totally dedicated to providing filtering services to school, homes and businesses. Peter has a wealth of expertise in implementing filtering technologies within ISP networks and founded Watchdog International to service the global ISP market, providing best of breed technologies and expertise. He is an advisor to many governments and NGOs, assisting in the implementation of filtering illegal web content.
A former board chairman of the child protection agency ECPAT (NZ), Peter has many years of experience in the fight against child sexual abuse on the Internet. He was the pioneer of the New Zealand DIA internet filtering system and has set up a hosted filtering service in the UK based on this NZ model.
Peter has worked in the IT industry for 29 years to become a leading global specialist in web content filtering technologies.

Rohan Meuli, Managing Director, Watchdog Corporation Ltd.
Rohan has 25 years of experience in the IT and ISP industries in a wide range of management, business development and consulting roles. He has particular expertise in the education, local government, utilities, AEC and telcommunication markets.
In addition, Rohan is also Director of Watchdog International, the sister company of Watchdog Corporation, that provides Internet security solutions to Government, ISP and business customers worldwide.
Rohan is an Engineer with an honours degree from the University of Auckland.
Peter Milford, UK Country Manager, Watchdog International
Peter has a substantial and well recognized background in the field of Internet regulation. He was recently Regulatory Affairs Manager at a leading medium level ISP within the UK and has presented workshops and events for the ISP industry. Before moving to the Internet industry, Peter worked as a teacher and manager of learning resources, managing a series of innovative UK and European projects. Peter has a wealth of expertise in eSafety and Internet regulation.
Peter is a Chartered Physicist with a Masters degree in Law, a Bachelors in Physics and Information Technology and a post-graduate diploma in Educational Technology.
